Equals in 2023

Equals in 2023

Bobby Pinero | | 5 min read

What a year. We embraced AI. We reimagined BI. We waved freemium goodbye. And as the cliché goes, we're only just getting started.…

Recent posts

How we forecast ARR

How we forecast ARR

Chris Burgner | | 5 min read

We start by breaking the business down by Go-to-Market (“GTM”) motion – Self Serve vs. Sales. And splitting each by New vs. Existing business.…

How to ship fast

How to ship fast

Ben McRedmond | | 4 min read

My principles for shipping fast and protecting momentum developed over ~12 years of building software.…

How we developed our Vision, Mission, and Strategy

How we developed our Vision, Mission, and Strategy

Matt Hodges | | 6 min read

If you don't know where you want to go, how on earth do you know how you'll get there? And if you don't know, don't expect your team to know either.…

Everything we measure at Equals

Everything we measure at Equals

Chris Burgner | | 9 min read

It's hard to get your metrics right. It's more challenging when you're starting from scratch. I learned the hard way. I'm writing this so you don't have to. One year in Joining…

Because the world needs better dashboards

Because the world needs better dashboards

Bobby Pinero | | 4 min read

The explosion of data tooling over the past decade led to a lot of innovation but also a ton of wasted analysts’ time (and dead dashboards). It was time for an entirely new approach.…

Why you should add friction to your onboarding

Why you should add friction to your onboarding

Ben McRedmond | | 3 min read

Most people will tell you that you need to remove friction in your product's onboarding. They are wrong. Here's why.…

The fallacy of freemium in SaaS

The fallacy of freemium in SaaS

Bobby Pinero | | 4 min read

Deciding to make Equals free was one of the riskiest decisions I’ve made as CEO of Equals. I went into it with a ton of conviction. And I turned out to be wrong. I broke our business.…

The perfect pricing model doesn't exist

The perfect pricing model doesn't exist

Matt Hodges | | 6 min read

There's no silver bullet when it comes to pricing. There are just many things you can and should probably test. Be ready to make trade-offs and make peace with the fact that your pricing will never be perfect.…

The never-ending quest to create the perfect homepage

The never-ending quest to create the perfect homepage

Matt Hodges | | 7 min read

Your homepage is your most important digital asset as a SaaS business. And, like most things in marketing, you don't get a second chance to make a first impression.…

Osano makes faster decisions in Equals

Osano makes faster decisions in Equals

Abbey Lauren Minondo | | 2 min read

“We went from looking at our top of funnel and pipeline health from a weekly cadence to creating a daily feedback loop. That kind of speed is invaluable.” – Jonathan Grant, CFO Discovering the oppo…

Stay on top of deal flow performance

Stay on top of deal flow performance

Abbey Lauren Minondo | | 2 min read

Unleashing and optimizing revenue growth requires a deep understanding of your pipeline and funnel performance. Tracking every stage from lead to paying customer provides critical insight and can ensu…

Maximize marketing ROI with live ad spend tracking

Maximize marketing ROI with live ad spend tracking

Abbey Lauren Minondo | | 2 min read

You've taken the first step on your journey to digital success - you have a few Google Ads campaigns live and running. But how do you know if they’re truly making an impact? The key lies in tracki…

How Notion uses Equals

How Notion uses Equals

Abbey Lauren Minondo | | 3 min read

“Equals is where I do all of my analysis. It gives me back at least an hour or two every week. You’ll never get my hands off of this product.” – Nic Malianni, Head of Accounting Discovering the oppo…

Lantern simplifies reporting in Equals

Lantern simplifies reporting in Equals

Abbey Lauren Minondo | | 2 min read

“From financial projections to sales efficiency models, we run most of our core reporting in Equals. The best part is that I don’t need to hire a Salesforce specialist to build me dashboards or buy a…