Cycls simplifies decisions on Equals

Cycls simplifies decisions on Equals

“There’s something magical about not having to learn anything about a tool and getting exactly what you want out of it. I have my morning coffee and open Equals every day to review the full picture of my business, all in one place.” – Mohammed Alrujayi, Co-Founder and CEO

Discovering the opportunity

Cycls just launched on the App Store this year – they’re an AI powered product that will build your entire travel itinerary (from flights to insurance to SIM cards) without the need for you to lift a finger. Currently based in Saudi Arabia, they’ve received such widespread adoption from users that they’re actively planning to expand to neighboring regions. To grow at this rapid pace and ensure a delightful experience for users across the app, Mohammed turned to Equals as the single source of truth for all key company metrics.

Before getting started in an Equals spreadsheet, most of the product data was too time consuming to access regularly. Mohammed felt as though he had an incomplete view of what was really happening across the business. “Nobody is taking the time to look at API logs – in the startup world it’s move fast or die. People just want to see what happened and what it means for the business. Simplicity is key, and there’s nothing simpler than a spreadsheet. I didn’t have to do any selling, the team got it. People instantly really, really like Equals.”

Implementing changes

Mohammed had two clear goals when getting started in Equals: he wanted a way to track product quality and he needed an overview of progress across each department in the company. As a former engineer, it was really simple for Mohammed to tee up an import script connection to their back end product and pull in all of the relevant data for their company. Porting over the data was so easy that Mohammad has delayed the formalization of a database – relying entirely on Equals as the way to access all of the important facets of a customer’s experience on their app.

Favorite feature: “The free form import script functionality has been a tremendous value add for us. More than I ever expected it to be. The connection was quick to set up and even the non-technical folks on the team can adapt the script to fit their needs.”

Unlocking growth

Today, Mohammed has an Equals workbook that contains department level KPIs in different sheets. He has a company-wide summary tab and can dive deeper with the push of a button. His team is also hyperfocused on providing the best customer experience possible: Mohammed tracks every single error message displayed in their product in an Equals spreadsheet. This allows them to get to the root of all issues sooner, and better understand which users have been affected when analyzing product sentiment. “There’s so much to be gained from having everything about your company in one place. Equals is the tool that helps me ditch all other tools.”

Equals is the next-generation spreadsheet