Harvie makes everyone an analyst on Equals

Harvie makes everyone an analyst on Equals

“Instead of hiring an analyst, now everyone on the team is empowered to build what they need. Equals is a familiar tool that has given us access to our data and allows us to easily extract mission critical information. Huge win!” – Kyle Jaster, COO at Harvie

Discovering the opportunity

Harvie is a Pittsburgh based food delivery company that has experienced a ton of growth in the last few years – especially after people flocked their way during the pandemic. Today, you can order a carefully crafted meal right to your doorstep, all sourced from the Pittsburgh area and ready for your enjoyment. As they near an eight figure business, keeping track of the different membership models for these meal deliveries has become a critical component of Kyle’s job.

Before getting started in Equals, the technical team at Harvie was constantly solicited for different reports and views of data. As the business team grew and the demand to better understand revenue streams increased, Kyle knew they needed a more accessible way to quickly update their models and access their data. “Our development team has to focus on making our product the best it can be, they can’t spend their time building internal tools for us. Having Equals has been really helpful because both Simon (CEO) and I enjoy writing our own queries, and even non-technical users have been picking up some SQL skills.”

Implementing changes

On Equals, Kyle has set up several reports, ranging from simple to complex. From a view of week over week revenue broken out by membership model (subscription orders and one-off orders), to sales by department (beef, bakery, seafood, etc.), there’s little the team at Harvie doesn’t have a lens into. In addition to reports forecasting order quantity, total delivery amount spent by customer, and inventory management, Harvie has also embedded Equals into their customer success processes. By creating a pivot table based on select criteria directly from their production environment, customer success representatives can access at any time a list of users who require specific text message notifications so that they can reach out at critical junctures in their journey. Talk about dedicated support!

Favorite feature: “Definitely native connections with the ability to tweak them with a little bit of SQL directly in the spreadsheet. Second best part is just having everything run automatically. When I wake up in the morning, my metrics are right. That’s awesome. Everyone’s looking at the same thing at the same time. Big fan.”

Unlocking growth

Granting employees the ability to access data with the push of a button, knowing that the underlying information is correct, and making the canvas collaborative –so that everyone can learn from each other’s insights– has been a massive catalyst for growth at Harvie. “We’re saving time on Equals, because we don’t need to manually update information or hunt down query definitions. But the biggest benefit for us is the ability to distill a very complex business with lots of moving parts into a simple view. Equals is easy to use, so our team has the ability to do their own analysis that gives them confidence in their decisions.”

Equals is the next-generation spreadsheet