Lantern simplifies reporting in Equals

Lantern simplifies reporting in Equals

“From financial projections to sales efficiency models, we run most of our core reporting in Equals. The best part is that I don’t need to hire a Salesforce specialist to build me dashboards or buy a fancy BI tool to extract information I need on a weekly basis. Everything in Equals is easy to set up. Keeping a pulse on activity has made our entire organization more collaborative and effective.” – David Bromberg, Founder

Discovering the opportunity

Lantern helps B2B companies grow revenue from existing companies by identifying high impact touchpoints with customers. Using AI powered health scores, automated workflows, job tracking, and live engagement, Lantern helps sales and customer success teams go from being reactive to proactive. David was looking for a painless way to apply that same forward-looking mindset to their runway tracking, which is why he turned to Equals.

Calculating runway is incredibly important for planning the future of your business, and David needed a painless way to quickly gauge how much cash they were burning through monthly, in addition to their revenue and existing investment. On Equals, David was able to set up a runway model that would factor in revenue and spend data automatically, directly from the source. “I was really thankful that we moved all of our financials into Equals, particularly after SVB’s failure. We replaced SVB with three different bank accounts, but this complexity was actually easy to account for in Equals. With a few clicks I didn’t need to worry about missing a beat.”

Implementing changes

After experiencing the flexibility of setting up financial projections in Equals, David decided to move their sales dashboard out of Salesforce and into a spreadsheet. He set up a simple view that pulls data about opportunities and their lifecycle stage from Salesforce into Equals. Then, he paired this information with data housed in This combination allowed him to report on email efficiency – essentially determining how many emails it takes an SDR before an opportunity is won. “Setting up this report in Salesforce wouldn’t have been possible. We don’t have all of the relevant information in Salesforce to begin with, and their reporting is so complex that hacking together something actionable is, quite frankly, a waste of time. This way we’re able to not only get a high level overview of our conversion rates, but also drill down into the underlying information with ease.”

Favorite feature: “AI Assist in SQL is pretty fun, especially as I think about involving less technical members at Lantern in the reporting process. The no-code query builder is also a huge advantage for those looking for a way to get acquainted with writing traditional SQL. Enabling users to upskill without the additional time it takes to learn a new system is very powerful.”

Unlocking growth

Not only has creating a sales dashboard in Equals helped David optimize the sales motion at Lantern, it’s also created a culture of collaboration. Being able to track how certain email campaigns perform across the funnel has helped teammates share their best practices and increased overall performance. “Equals has also been really helpful for me. I used to spend a ton of time taking screenshots from Orum, Salesforce, and Apollo, then piecing them together in a comprehensible way before our weekly metrics meetings. Now I just take a screenshot of Equals, add it to my slides, and we’re all set. It’s simple which lets me spend more time making high-impact decisions.”

Equals is the next-generation spreadsheet