Pathpoint relies on Equals as a source of truth

Pathpoint relies on Equals as a source of truth

“Our primary growth dashboard is built in Equals. With over 150 metrics, you really want a spreadsheet UI with data coming from various sources and models. We also need it to auto-update. Equals gives us that all in one place, makes sharing data with the team simple, and is super easy to set up and iterate on.” – Alex Bargmann, CEO + Co-Founder

Discovering the opportunity

Pathpoint was built to make it faster and easier for retail insurance agents to get great E&S coverage options for small businesses. As a digital wholesaler, Pathpoint stands out in the E&S insurance space by providing streamlined and reliable services to clients of all sizes. They were looking for a software system that could provide a similar value prop for their company metrics.

Prior to Equals, Pathpoint used Metabase plugins and homegrown scripts to import information from their data warehouse into Google Sheets. Nothing they tried was easy to maintain or reliable. Additionally, the sheer amount and variety of data that needed to be transformed and visualized was so vast that BI tools simply wouldn’t cut it. After reading about Equals on Twitter, Alex and Hamza knew they needed to make a change.

Implementing changes

Pathpoint now has a variety of different reports set up in Equals, from executive dashboards to functional department level reports. Their Growth Dashboard covers all of the major business building blocks from acquisition channels to retention and reactivation; their Monetization Dashboard analyzes transactions, COGs, and SLA delivery around user service; and their Revenue Report helps them monitor and increase profitability. The Pathpoint team also leverages Equals for ad hoc reporting. Pathpoint switched to a new payment processor in March and answering business critical questions, like the percent of transactions that were finances versus paid in full, can now be easily tracked and answered by uploading and querying from a CSV. Joining this payment processor information with data from the data warehouse can be done with the click of a button. Furthermore, when this type of ad hoc question becomes a recurring inquiry, the team is ready to dive in and write a simple import script to schedule the collection of the payment data. “The breadth of information that Equals can handle and automate is remarkable. Now, when we need something refreshed, we don't have to check 6 different places, it's already done.”

Favorite feature: “The common language of a spreadsheet paired with the ease of transforming and importing data is unparalleled. Non analysts are equipped to make better decisions. Our technical users no longer need to take screenshots of BI reports. Equals has greatly enhanced our processes and allows us to move with agility.”

Unlocking growth

Teams across Pathpoint have been able to adopt Equals in meaningful ways. One dashboard that they’ve built analyzes the performance of their strategic partnerships, and includes auto-queried data about users, transactions associated with each partner, and a few qualitative notes added weekly by the partnerships team. This enables the reports to be reproducible, since the underlying query is adjacent to the visuals, and removes the need for stitching together screenshots of charts or tables from more rigid platforms.

“All KPIs & Metrics that are core to our business are being measured in Equals. We are taking the first steps to use Equals as a planning and forecasting tool across our enterprise. Early efforts have included Revenue Operations projections, which we plan on merging with our actual performance to provide a past-present-future view of our business. We also have critical workflows tied to Equals. For instance, Equals lets us pull data from a variety of financial systems into a single view which our team can then use to track down the status of payment on an account.” To drive the point further, Hamza adds, “I’ve always used Excel, and Google Sheets was never the right fit for the kind of analysis we do at Pathpoint. Equals is the solution we’ve been seeking.”

Equals is the next-generation spreadsheet